From: cath phillips <>
Sent: Sat, July 24, 2010 7:26:02 AM
Subject: Re: [CanineCancer] Not an uncommon tale: 3 yr old Boxer with Mast Cell on tip of docked tail
Jennifer: First, welcome to this group. It is so hard to "have" to join a
group like this but here you will find an incredible group of knowledgeable,
caring people.
I don't know if Lila's story will help or not, but here goes.
My Golden Retriever, Lila was diagnosed with a grade II Mast Cell tumor on
the very top of her head on Christmas Eve, 2007. She was 12 at the time. A
2nd surgery did get clean margins but left the top of her pretty little head
looking a bit lumpy but beautiful in my eyes.
Because she is a very fearful girl, trips to the vet were extremely
difficult on her and I wanted her to have quality of life. After she was
diagnosed, we changed (very slowly) her food to Evo, put her on DHA (algea
based fish oil) and PolyMVA and thankfully she has had no reoccurance of
MCT. I have every lump and bump checked on her but all have been benign.
She is now 14 1/2 years old and doing good.
I wish I could help more, but hope this helps a little.
cath - Lila dx Grade 2 Mast Cell 12-24-07. Missing her Angel Joley
(Hemangiosarcoma , crossed the Rainbow Bridge 1-23-07) Golden Retriever, my
"What I know, I can fight. What can be named, I can endure. But what lies
in shadow, I can neither fight nor endure."